A “HAPPY” story and reminder for all – on why you should NEVER GIVE UP!!
Reunited ~ after being lost for 7 MONTHS!! Bee Bee the Shih-Tzu Mix from Milwaukee in Milwaukee County.
Bee Bee is finally home safe and sound, after she went missing back in October 2013. Even though she was gone for several months with no leads, owners never gave up and either did Lost Dogs of Wisconsin. One of our dedicated Craigslist matchers (Christine) continuously sent owners, possible matches on found dogs that were posted on MADACC (Milwaukee Animal Control) website. Owners never failed to check out any possible matches and today was NO exception. They got the call 2 days ago, from our volunteer, about the possible match. Owners were out of state, but called MADACC right away. One question owner asked, was if the dog had a heart murmur…when they answered YES…there hopes began to rise – this was a distinct feature that Bee Bee also had. Although the found dog at MADACC…looked quite different from when Bee Bee went missing, they still had a good feeling on this one. Today owners were able to go down to MADACC and see the dog for themselves. It didn’t take long for Bee Bee to show her excitement – when she finally saw her owners again…after 7 months!! Here is the messages our volunteer (Christine) received today, from owner:
“OMG! We picked her up today. She was so grateful to see us. She was also severely matted. She is at the groomer right now! Thank you! thank you! thank you! This is a miracle. She was missing since Oct ’13. We pretty much gave up our search, but you did not! My wife is in tears!
I can’t thank you and Lost Dogs of Wisconsin enough, wow”
Congrats to ALL of you…and WELCOME HOME Bee Bee – You were deeply missed!! (Lost: October 6, 2013 – Reunited: May 10, 2014)