5. Shelters that post pictures and flyers of lost and found pets on Facebook generate goodwill, positive press and donations.
4. Shelters will elevate their reputation in the community from “dogcatcher” to compassionate life-savers. Since “stray” contracts are funded with taxpayer money, they will show that they are using their funds wisely.
3. Pictures and information about lost and found pets are widely shared. This will increase a shelter’s Facebook “edgerank” making their other posts appear more frequently in their supporters newsfeeds, generating more adoptions and donations. We will also share some of your posts to our 40,000 plus Facebook fans, increasing visibility for your shelter.
2. Since an estimated 40 – 60% of animals in shelters are lost pets, proactively working to get them home by posting pictures will reduce overcrowding and disease, and free up kennel space for needier animals.
1. And the NUMBER ONE reason that shelters should post pictures of lost and found pets on Facebook? Because it makes reunions like this happen. Need we say more?
Reunited ~Oreo the German Shepherd/Poodle mix from#Milwaukee in Milwaukee County. Oreo was at MADACC. A LDoW volunteer called to let the owner know he was there. Oreo is a very good example of making sure that you check out every possible match in person, because sometimes shelters get the details wrong. Based on what the owner was told on the phone, she may never have gone to check. But our volunteer encouraged her to check in person, and it was Oreo! Congrats and welcome home Oreo!! (Lost 07-21-14, Reunited 08-04-14)
Thank you to all of the shelters who do post pictures and share flyers of lost and found pets on your Facebook page. YOU are saving lives.